OpenSSL 'ChangeCipherSpec' MiTM Potential Vulnerability

medium Nessus Plugin ID 74326


The remote host is potentially affected by a vulnerability that could allow sensitive data to be decrypted.


The OpenSSL service on the remote host is potentially vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack, based on its response to two consecutive 'ChangeCipherSpec' messages during the incorrect phase of an SSL/TLS handshake.

This flaw could allow a MiTM attacker to decrypt or forge SSL messages by telling the service to begin encrypted communications before key material has been exchanged, which causes predictable keys to be used to secure future traffic.

OpenSSL 1.0.1 is known to be exploitable. OpenSSL 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 are not known to be vulnerable; however, the OpenSSL team has advised that users of these older versions upgrade as a precaution. This plugin detects and reports all versions of OpenSSL that are potentially exploitable.

Note that Nessus has only tested for an SSL/TLS MiTM vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224). However, Nessus has inferred that the OpenSSL service on the remote host is also affected by six additional vulnerabilities that were disclosed in OpenSSL's June 5th, 2014 security advisory :

- An error exists in the 'ssl3_read_bytes' function that permits data to be injected into other sessions or allows denial of service attacks. Note that this issue is exploitable only if SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS is enabled. (CVE-2010-5298)

- An error exists related to the implementation of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) that allows nonce disclosure via the 'FLUSH+RELOAD' cache side-channel attack. (CVE-2014-0076)

- A buffer overflow error exists related to invalid DTLS fragment handling that permits the execution of arbitrary code or allows denial of service attacks.
Note that this issue only affects OpenSSL when used as a DTLS client or server. (CVE-2014-0195)

- An error exists in the 'do_ssl3_write' function that permits a NULL pointer to be dereferenced, which could allow denial of service attacks. Note that this issue is exploitable only if SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS is enabled. (CVE-2014-0198)

- An error exists related to DTLS handshake handling that could allow denial of service attacks. Note that this issue only affects OpenSSL when used as a DTLS client.

- An error exists in the 'dtls1_get_message_fragment' function related to anonymous ECDH cipher suites. This could allow denial of service attacks. Note that this issue only affects OpenSSL TLS clients. (CVE-2014-3470)

OpenSSL did not release individual patches for these vulnerabilities, instead they were all patched under a single version release. Note that the service will remain vulnerable after patching until the service or host is restarted.


OpenSSL 0.9.8 SSL/TLS users (client and/or server) should upgrade to 0.9.8za. OpenSSL 1.0.0 SSL/TLS users (client and/or server) should upgrade to 1.0.0m. OpenSSL 1.0.1 SSL/TLS users (client and/or server) should upgrade to 1.0.1h.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Medium

ID: 74326

File Name: openssl_ccs.nasl

Version: 1.23

Type: remote

Family: Misc.

Published: 6/5/2014

Updated: 6/12/2020

Configuration: Enable paranoid mode

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: High

Score: 7.7


Risk Factor: Medium

Base Score: 6.8

Temporal Score: 5.6

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P

CVSS Score Source: CVE-2014-0224

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/a:openssl:openssl

Required KB Items: Settings/ParanoidReport

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 6/5/2014

Vulnerability Publication Date: 6/5/2014

Exploitable With

Core Impact

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2010-5298, CVE-2014-0076, CVE-2014-0195, CVE-2014-0198, CVE-2014-0221, CVE-2014-0224, CVE-2014-3470

BID: 67900, 67901, 66363, 66801, 67193, 67898, 67899

CERT: 978508