5.7.1 Ensure Logging and Cloud Monitoring is Enabled


Send logs and metrics to a remote aggregator to mitigate the risk of local tampering in the event of a breach.

Exporting logs and metrics to a dedicated, persistent datastore such as Cloud Operations for GKE ensures availability of audit data following a cluster security event, and provides a central location for analysis of log and metric data collated from multiple sources.


Using Google Cloud Console:To enable Logging:

- Go to Kubernetes Engine by visiting:


- Select the cluster for which Logging is disabled.
- Under the details pane, within the Features section, click on the pencil icon named Edit logging
- Check the box next to Enable Logging
- In the drop-down Components box, select the components to be logged.
- Click SAVE CHANGES and wait for the cluster to update.

To enable Cloud Monitoring:

- Go to Kubernetes Engine by visiting:


- Select the cluster for which Logging is disabled.
- Under the details pane, within the Features section, click on the pencil icon named Edit Cloud Monitoring
- Check the box next to Enable Cloud Monitoring
- In the drop-down Components box, select the components to be logged.
- Click SAVE CHANGES and wait for the cluster to update.

Using Command Line:To enable Logging for an existing cluster, run the following command:

gcloud container clusters update <cluster_name> --zone <compute_zone> --logging=<components_to_be_logged>



for a list of available components for logging.

To enable Cloud Monitoring for an existing cluster, run the following command:

gcloud container clusters update <cluster_name> --zone <compute_zone> --monitoring=<components_to_be_logged>



for a list of available components for Cloud Monitoring.

See Also
