GEN000251 - The time synchronization configuration file (such as /etc/ntp.conf) must be group-owned by bin, sys, or system. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN000252 - The time synchronization configuration file (such as /etc/ntp.conf) must have mode 0640 or less permissive. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001140 - System files and directories must not have uneven access permissions - '/bin' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001190 - All network services daemon files must not have extended ACLs - /usr/sbin/* | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001290 - All manual page files must not have extended ACLs - '/usr/share/info/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001320 - NIS/NIS+/yp files must be owned by root, sys, or bin - '/var/nis/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001340 - NIS/NIS+/yp files must be group-owned by sys, bin, other, or system - '/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001340 - NIS/NIS+/yp files must be group-owned by sys, bin, other, or system - '/var/nis/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001360 - The NIS/NIS+/yp files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001360 - The NIS/NIS+/yp files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/var/yp/*' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001366 - The /etc/hosts file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001373 - The /etc/nsswitch.conf file must have mode 0644 or less permissive - Not Applicable | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001391 - The /etc/group file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001400 - The /etc/security/passwd file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001440 - All interactive users must be assigned a home directory in the /etc/passwd file. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001490 - User home directories must not have extended ACLs. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001590 - All run control scripts must have no extended ACLs - '/etc/init.d' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001660 - All system start-up files must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001730 - All global initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '/etc/bashrc' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001730 - All global initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '/etc/csh.cshrc' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001730 - All global initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '/etc/csh.login' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001740 - All global initialization files must be owned by root - '/etc/.login' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001740 - All global initialization files must be owned by root - '/etc/profile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001760 - All global initialization files must be group-owned by sys, bin, system, or security - '/etc/.login' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001760 - All global initialization files must be group-owned by sys, bin, system, or security - '/etc/bashrc' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001760 - All global initialization files must be group-owned by sys, bin, system, or security - '/etc/security/.profile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001800 - All skeleton files (typically those in /etc/skel) must have mode 0644 or less permissive - '/etc/security/.profile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001870 - Local initialization files must be group-owned by the user's primary group or root - '~/.dtprofile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001870 - Local initialization files must be group-owned by the user's primary group or root - '~/.exrc' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001870 - Local initialization files must be group-owned by the user's primary group or root - '~/.logout' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001880 - All local initialization files must have mode 0740 or less permissive - '~/.bash_logout' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001880 - All local initialization files must have mode 0740 or less permissive - '~/.bashrc' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001880 - All local initialization files must have mode 0740 or less permissive - '~/.emacs' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001880 - All local initialization files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '~/.dtprofile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001890 - Local initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '.bash_profile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001890 - Local initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '.dispatch' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN001890 - Local initialization files must not have extended ACLs - '.dtprofile' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005040 - All FTP users must have a default umask of 077. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005120 - The TFTP daemon must be configured to vendor specs including a home directory owned by the TFTP user - 'tftp user shell' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005340 - Management Information Base (MIB) files must have mode 0640 or less permissive. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005360 - The snmpd.conf file must be owned by root - '/etc/snmpdv3.conf' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005365 - The snmpd.conf file must be group-owned by bin, sys, or system - '/etc/snmpd.conf' | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005522 - The SSH public host key files must have mode 0644 or less permissive. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005536 - The SSH daemon must perform strict mode checking of home directory configuration files. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005537 - The SSH daemon must use privilege separation. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN005740 - The NFS export configuration file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN006100 - The /usr/lib/smb.conf file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN006310 - The /etc/news/nnrp.access file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN008080 - If the system is using LDAP the /etc/ldap.conf file must be owned by root | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
GEN008200 - The LDAP TLS certificate authority file must not have an extended ACL | DISA STIG AIX 5.3 v1r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |