CIS Apache HTTP Server 2.4 L1 v1.5.0

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Audit Details

Name: CIS Apache HTTP Server 2.4 L1 v1.5.0

Updated: 2/3/2021

Authority: CIS

Plugin: Unix

Revision: 1.7

Estimated Item Count: 91

Audit Changelog

Revision 1.7

Feb 3, 2021

Functional Update
  • 2.2 Ensure the Log Config Module Is Enabled
  • Audit deprecated.
  • Metadata updated.
Revision 1.6

Oct 5, 2020

Functional Update
  • 1.3 Ensure Apache Is Installed From the Appropriate Binaries
  • 2.1 Ensure Only Necessary Authentication and Authorization Modules Are Enabled - 'Loaded auth._* modules'
  • 2.2 Ensure the Log Config Module Is Enabled
  • 2.3 Ensure the WebDAV Modules Are Disabled
  • 2.4 Ensure the Status Module Is Disabled
  • 2.5 Ensure the Autoindex Module Is Disabled
  • 2.6 Ensure the Proxy Modules Are Disabled
  • 2.8 Ensure the Info Module Is Disabled
  • 2.9 Ensure the Basic and Digest Authentication Modules are Disabled - auth_basic_module
  • 2.9 Ensure the Basic and Digest Authentication Modules are Disabled - auth_digest_module
  • 3.1 Ensure the Apache Web Server Runs As a Non-Root User - 'apache account is configured'
  • 3.1 Ensure the Apache Web Server Runs As a Non-Root User - 'httpd services are running as apache user'
  • 3.1 Ensure the Apache Web Server Runs As a Non-Root User - 'httpd.conf Group = apache'
  • 3.1 Ensure the Apache Web Server Runs As a Non-Root User - 'httpd.conf User = apache'
  • 3.10 Ensure the ScoreBoard File Is Secured
  • 3.2 Ensure the Apache User Account Has an Invalid Shell
  • 3.3 Ensure the Apache User Account Is Locked
  • 3.7 Ensure the Core Dump Directory Is Secured
  • 3.8 Ensure the Lock File Is Secured - 'LockFile directory'
  • 3.8 Ensure the Lock File Is Secured - 'LockFile on local hard drive'
  • 3.8 Ensure the Lock File Is Secured - 'LockFile permissions'
  • 3.9 Ensure the Pid File Is Secured - 'PidFile directory'
  • 4.1 Ensure Access to OS Root Directory Is Denied By Default
  • 4.1 Ensure Access to OS Root Directory Is Denied By Default - 'httpd.conf Require all denied'
  • 4.1 Ensure Access to OS Root Directory Is Denied By Default - 'httpd.conf no Allow directives exist'
  • 4.2 Ensure Appropriate Access to Web Content Is Allowed
  • 4.3 Ensure OverRide Is Disabled for the OS Root Directory - AllowOverride None
  • 4.3 Ensure OverRide Is Disabled for the OS Root Directory - exclude AllowOverrideList
  • 5.1 Ensure Options for the OS Root Directory Are Restricted
  • 5.10 Ensure Access to .ht* Files Is Restricted
  • 5.2 Ensure Options for the Web Root Directory Are Restricted
  • 5.3 Ensure Options for Other Directories Are Minimized
  • 5.4 Ensure Default HTML Content Is Removed - 'Server Information handler does not exist'
  • 5.4 Ensure Default HTML Content Is Removed - 'Server Status handler does not exist'
  • 5.7 Ensure HTTP Request Methods Are Restricted
  • 5.8 Ensure the HTTP TRACE Method Is Disabled
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteRule configuration'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteEngine = on'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteOptions = inherit'
  • 6.1 Ensure the Error Log Filename and Severity Level Are Configured Correctly - 'ErrorLog 'logs/error_log'
  • 6.1 Ensure the Error Log Filename and Severity Level Are Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> ErrorLog is configured'
  • 6.1 Ensure the Error Log Filename and Severity Level Are Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf LogLevel = notice info or debug'
  • 6.3 Ensure the Server Access Log Is Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf CustomLog is configured'
  • 6.3 Ensure the Server Access Log Is Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf LogFormat is configured'
  • 6.5 Ensure Applicable Patches Are Applied
  • 7.1 Ensure mod_ssl and/or mod_nss Is Installed - 'mod_ssl is loaded'
  • 7.6 Ensure Insecure SSL Renegotiation Is Not Enabled
  • 7.7 Ensure SSL Compression is not Enabled
  • 7.8 Ensure Medium Strength SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled
  • 7.9 Ensure All Web Content is Accessed via HTTPS
  • 9.1 Ensure the TimeOut Is Set to 10 or Less
  • 9.2 Ensure KeepAlive Is Enabled
  • 9.3 Ensure MaxKeepAliveRequests is Set to a Value of 100 or Greater
  • 9.4 Ensure KeepAliveTimeout is Set to a Value of 15 or Less
Informational Update
  • 2.1 Ensure Only Necessary Authentication and Authorization Modules Are Enabled - 'Loaded auth._* modules'
  • 2.6 Ensure the Proxy Modules Are Disabled
  • 5.10 Ensure Access to .ht* Files Is Restricted
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteRule configuration'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteEngine = on'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteOptions = inherit'
  • 6.5 Ensure Applicable Patches Are Applied
  • 7.7 Ensure SSL Compression is not Enabled
  • Platform check updated.
  • References updated.
  • Variables updated.
  • 4.4 Ensure OverRide Is Disabled for All Directories - AllowOverride
  • 4.4 Ensure OverRide Is Disabled for All Directories - AllowOverrideList
  • 5.4 Ensure Default HTML Content Is Removed - 'other handler does not exist'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteEngine on'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf RewriteCond = %{THE_REQUEST} !HTTP/1\.1$'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - Rewrite module not loaded
  • 7.4 Ensure Weak SSL Protocols Are Disabled - 'SSLv2 or SSLv3'
  • 7.4 Ensure Weak SSL Protocols Are Disabled - 'TLSv1'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'Global SSLCipherSuite'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'Global SSLHonorCipherOrder = On'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'VirtualHost SSLCipherSuite'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'VirtualHost SSLHonorCipherOrder = On'
  • 8.1 Ensure ServerTokens is Set to 'Prod' or 'ProductOnly'
  • 8.2 Ensure ServerSignature Is Not Enabled
  • 9.5 Ensure the Timeout Limits for Request Headers is Set to 40 or Less - RequestReadTimeout
  • 9.5 Ensure the Timeout Limits for Request Headers is Set to 40 or Less - mod_reqtimeout
  • 9.6 Ensure Timeout Limits for the Request Body Are Set Properly - RequestReadTimeout
  • 9.6 Ensure Timeout Limits for the Request Body Are Set Properly - mod_reqtimeout
  • 4.4 Ensure OverRide Is Disabled for All Directories
  • 5.4 Ensure Default HTML Content Is Removed - 'perl-status handler does not exist'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteCond configuration'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteEngine configured'
  • 7.1 Ensure mod_ssl and/or mod_nss Is Installed - 'mod_nss is loaded'
  • 7.4 Ensure Weak SSL Protocols Are Disabled
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'httpd.conf SSLCipherSuite'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'httpd.conf SSLHonorCipherOrder = On'
  • 7.5 Ensure Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers Are Disabled - 'httpd.conf VirtualHost SSLHonorCipherOrder = On'
  • 8.1 Ensure ServerTokens is Set to 'Prod' or 'ProductOnly' - Prod
  • 8.2 Ensure ServerSignature Is Not Enabled - Off
  • 9.5 Ensure the Timeout Limits for Request Headers is Set to 40 or Less
  • 9.6 Ensure Timeout Limits for the Request Body is Set to 20 or Less
Revision 1.5

Sep 29, 2020

  • References updated.
Revision 1.4

Jul 14, 2020

  • Metadata updated.
Revision 1.3

Apr 17, 2020

  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.2

Nov 18, 2019

Functional Update
  • 5.10 Ensure Access to .ht* Files Is Restricted
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'RewriteCond configuration'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteEngine = on'
  • 5.9 Ensure Old HTTP Protocol Versions Are Disallowed - 'httpd.conf <VirtualHost> RewriteOptions = inherit'
  • 6.3 Ensure the Server Access Log Is Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf CustomLog is configured'
Revision 1.1

Aug 26, 2019

Functional Update
  • 6.3 Ensure the Server Access Log Is Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf CustomLog is configured'
  • 6.3 Ensure the Server Access Log Is Configured Correctly - 'httpd.conf LogFormat is configured'
  • Variables updated.