DISA Juniper EX Series Network Device Management v1r4

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Audit Details

Name: DISA Juniper EX Series Network Device Management v1r4

Updated: 6/17/2024

Authority: DISA STIG

Plugin: Juniper

Revision: 1.2

Estimated Item Count: 69

File Details

Filename: DISA_Juniper_EX_Series_Switches_NDM_v1r4_STIG.audit

Size: 188 kB

MD5: 1b21564c6fa2a25ed1cb4e4e44add753
SHA256: 5df5f95f0c03317767608f778f9f3cf3ffd15408b947cd0c2074b06abe250e00

Audit Items

JUEX-NM-000010 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to 10 or less.
JUEX-NM-000020 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to automatically audit account creation.
JUEX-NM-000030 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to automatically audit account modification.
JUEX-NM-000040 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to automatically audit account disabling actions.
JUEX-NM-000050 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to automatically audit account removal actions.
JUEX-NM-000060 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to assign appropriate user roles or access levels to authenticated users.
JUEX-NM-000070 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce approved authorizations for controlling the flow of management information within the network device based on information flow control policies.
JUEX-NM-000080 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts for any given user, after which time it must block any login attempt for that user for 15 minutes.
JUEX-NM-000090 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to display the Standard Mandatory DOD Notice and Consent Banner before granting access to the device.
JUEX-NM-000100 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to protect against an individual (or process acting on behalf of an individual) falsely denying having performed organization-defined actions to be covered by nonrepudiation.
JUEX-NM-000110 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to generate audit records for executed commands.
JUEX-NM-000120 - The Juniper device must be configured to produce audit log records containing sufficient information to establish what type of event occurred.
JUEX-NM-000130 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to produce audit records containing information to establish when (date and time) the events occurred.
JUEX-NM-000140 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to produce audit records containing information to establish where the events occurred.
JUEX-NM-000150 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to produce audit log records containing information to establish the source of events.
JUEX-NM-000160 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to produce audit records that contain information to establish the outcome of the event.
JUEX-NM-000170 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to generate audit records containing information that establishes the identity of any individual or process associated with the event.
JUEX-NM-000180 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to generate audit records containing the full-text recording of privileged commands.
JUEX-NM-000190 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to protect audit information from unauthorized modification.
JUEX-NM-000200 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to protect audit information from unauthorized deletion.
JUEX-NM-000210 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to protect audit tools from unauthorized access.
JUEX-NM-000220 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to limit privileges to change the software resident within software libraries.
JUEX-NM-000230 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to prohibit the use of all unnecessary and/or nonsecure functions, ports, protocols, and/or services.
JUEX-NM-000240 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured with only one local account to be used as the account of last resort in the event the authentication server is unavailable.
JUEX-NM-000260 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to implement replay-resistant authentication mechanisms for network access to privileged accounts.
JUEX-NM-000270 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce a minimum 15-character password length.
JUEX-NM-000280 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one uppercase character be used.
JUEX-NM-000290 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one lowercase character be used.
JUEX-NM-000300 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one numeric character be used.
JUEX-NM-000310 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one punctuation (special) character be used.
JUEX-NM-000320 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to require that when a password is changed, the characters are changed in at least eight of the positions within the password.
JUEX-NM-000330 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to only store cryptographic representations of passwords.
JUEX-NM-000340 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to use FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms for authentication to a cryptographic module.
JUEX-NM-000350 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to terminate all sessions and network connections when nonlocal device maintenance is completed.
JUEX-NM-000360 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to end all network connections associated with a device management session at the end of the session, or the session must be terminated after 10 minutes of inactivity except to fulfill mission requirements.
JUEX-NM-000370 - The Juniper device must be configured to only allow authorized administrators to view or change the device configuration, system files, and other files stored either in the device or on removable media (such as a flash drive).
JUEX-NM-000380 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to automatically audit account enabling actions.
JUEX-NM-000390 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce organization-defined role-based access control policies over defined subjects and objects.
JUEX-NM-000400 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to audit the execution of privileged functions.
JUEX-NM-000410 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to allocate audit record storage capacity in accordance with organization-defined audit record storage requirements.
JUEX-NM-000420 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to generate an immediate real-time alert of all audit failure events requiring real-time alerts.
JUEX-NM-000430 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to synchronize internal information system clocks using redundant authoritative time sources.
JUEX-NM-000440 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to record time stamps for audit records that can be mapped to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
JUEX-NM-000450 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to prohibit installation of software without explicit privileged status.
JUEX-NM-000460 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to enforce access restrictions associated with changes to device configuration.
JUEX-NM-000470 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to audit the enforcement actions used to restrict access associated with changes to the device.
JUEX-NM-000480 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to authenticate SNMP messages using a FIPS-validated Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
JUEX-NM-000490 - The Juniper EX switch must use an an NTP service that is hosted by a trusted source or a DOD-compliant enterprise or local NTP server.
JUEX-NM-000500 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to prohibit the use of cached authenticators after an organization-defined time period.
JUEX-NM-000510 - The Juniper EX switches must be configured to use FIPS-validated Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to protect the integrity of nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic communications.