DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 Middleware

Audit Details

Name: DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 Middleware

Updated: 6/18/2024

Authority: DISA STIG

Plugin: Unix

Revision: 1.10

Estimated Item Count: 89

File Details

Filename: DISA_STIG_Apache_Server-2.2_Unix_v1r11_Middleware.audit

Size: 143 kB

MD5: 8423c9b779ab6edbe12b51ae905a3e6d
SHA256: 43cf13c4a60d96a0f715e75239e8fadbf5c45d0d519e7744e2f3c7ef3c220475

Audit Changelog

Revision 1.10

Jun 18, 2024

  • Metadata updated.
Revision 1.9

Jun 17, 2024

  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.8

Apr 12, 2023

  • Metadata updated.
  • Platform check updated.
  • Variables updated.
Revision 1.7

Mar 7, 2023

  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
  • Variables updated.
Revision 1.6

Dec 7, 2022

  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - APP_Config_files
  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - HTACCESS_DIR
  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - @APP_Config_files@
  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - @HTACCESS_DIR@
Revision 1.5

Aug 9, 2022

Functional Update
  • WA00500 A22 - Active software modules must be minimized.
  • WA00505 A22 - Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) must be disabled.
  • WA00510 A22 - Web server status module must be disabled.
  • WA00515 A22 - Automatic directory indexing must be disabled.
  • WA00520 A22 - The web server must not be configured as a proxy server.
  • WA00525 A22 - User specific directories must not be globally enabled.
  • WA00530 A22 - The process ID (PID) file must be properly secured
  • WA00535 A22 - The score board file must be properly secured.
  • WA230 A22 - The Web site software used with the web server must have all applicable security patches applied and documented.
  • WG190 A22 - Web server software must be a vendor-supported version.
  • WG270 A22 - The web server's htpasswd files (if present) must reflect proper ownership and permissions
  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - @APP_Config_files@
  • WG280 - The access control files are owned by a privileged web server account - @HTACCESS_DIR@
  • WG300 A22 - Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements - cgi_bin
  • WG300 A22 - Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements - config
  • WG300 A22 - Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements - document root
  • WG300 A22 - Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements - logs
  • WG385 A22 - All web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials must be removed from a production web server.
  • Platform check updated.
Revision 1.4

Apr 25, 2022

  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.3

Jul 30, 2021

  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.2

Jun 17, 2021

  • Metadata updated.
Revision 1.1

May 6, 2021

Functional Update
  • WA000-WWA052 A22 - The '-FollowSymLinks' setting must be disabled.
  • WA000-WWA054 A22 - Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled - +Includes
  • WA000-WWA054 A22 - Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled - -+IncludesNOEXEC|-Includes
  • WA000-WWA054 A22 - Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled - None
  • WA000-WWA054 A22 - Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled - Options None
  • WA000-WWA056 A22 - The MultiViews directive must be disabled.
  • WA000-WWA058 A22 - Directory indexing must be disabled on directories not containing index files.
  • WA00540 A22 - The web server must be configured to explicitly deny access to the OS root - Deny
  • WA00540 A22 - The web server must be configured to explicitly deny access to the OS root - Order
  • WA00545 A22 - Web server options for the OS root must be disabled.
  • WA00547 A22 - The ability to override the access configuration for the OS root directory must be disabled.
  • WA00565 A22 - HTTP request methods must be limited - Deny
  • WA00565 A22 - HTTP request methods must be limited - LimitExcept
  • WA00565 A22 - HTTP request methods must be limited - Order
  • WG300 A22 - Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements - cgi_bin
  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.