DISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix v1r1

Warning! Audit Deprecated

This audit file has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Audit Details

Name: DISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix v1r1

Updated: 8/30/2021

Authority: DISA STIG

Plugin: Unix

Revision: 1.3

Estimated Item Count: 83

File Details

Filename: DISA_STIG_Docker_Enterprise_2.x_Linux_Unix_v1r1.audit

Size: 201 kB

MD5: 834f18c78396b869e8fc5e6e8e5e6aa1
SHA256: 06cf370c33202abfd59dbd85f7156ce4b1cb970068087c62ee3055292b028c4c

Audit Changelog

Revision 1.3

Aug 30, 2021

  • Audit deprecated.
  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.2

Jul 30, 2021

Functional Update
  • DKER-EE-001830 - The userland proxy capability in the Docker Engine - Enterprise component of Docker Enterprise must be disabled.
  • DKER-EE-003310 - The Docker Enterprise max-size and max-file json-file drivers logging options in the daemon.json configuration file must be configured to allocate audit record storage capacity for Universal Control Plane (UCP) and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) per the requirements set forth by the System Security Plan (SSP). - max-file
  • Metadata updated.
  • References updated.
Revision 1.1

Jun 17, 2021

  • Metadata updated.