DISA STIG Oracle 12c v2r9 Database

Warning! Audit Deprecated

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Audit Details

Name: DISA STIG Oracle 12c v2r9 Database

Updated: 8/28/2024

Authority: DISA STIG

Plugin: OracleDB

Revision: 1.2

Estimated Item Count: 122

Audit Items

DISA_STIG_Oracle_Database_12c_v2r9_Database.audit from DISA Oracle Database 12c v2r9 STIG
O121-BP-021200 - Access to default accounts used to support replication must be restricted to authorized DBAs.
O121-BP-021300 - Oracle instance names must not contain Oracle version numbers.
O121-BP-021400 - Fixed user and public database links must be authorized for use.
O121-BP-021500 - A minimum of two Oracle control files must be defined and configured to be stored on separate, archived disks (physical or virtual) or archived partitions on a RAID device.
O121-BP-021600 - A minimum of two Oracle redo log groups/files must be defined and configured to be stored on separate, archived physical disks or archived directories on a RAID device.
O121-BP-021700 - The Oracle WITH GRANT OPTION privilege must not be granted to non-DBA or non-Application administrator user accounts.
O121-BP-021900 - The Oracle REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter must be set to FALSE.
O121-BP-022000 - The Oracle REMOTE_OS_ROLES parameter must be set to FALSE.
O121-BP-022100 - The Oracle SQL92_SECURITY parameter must be set to TRUE.
O121-BP-022200 - The Oracle password file ownership and permissions should be limited and the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter must be set to EXCLUSIVE or NONE.
O121-BP-022300 - System privileges granted using the WITH ADMIN OPTION must not be granted to unauthorized user accounts.
O121-BP-022400 - System Privileges must not be granted to PUBLIC.
O121-BP-022500 - Oracle roles granted using the WITH ADMIN OPTION must not be granted to unauthorized accounts.
O121-BP-022600 - Object permissions granted to PUBLIC must be restricted.
O121-BP-022800 - Application role permissions must not be assigned to the Oracle PUBLIC role.
O121-BP-022900 - Oracle application administration roles must be disabled if not required and authorized.
O121-BP-023000 - Connections by mid-tier web and application systems to the Oracle DBMS from a DMZ or external network must be encrypted.
O121-BP-023100 - Database job/batch queues must be reviewed regularly to detect unauthorized database job submissions.
O121-BP-023200 - Unauthorized database links must not be defined and active.
O121-BP-023300 - Sensitive information from production database exports must be modified before import to a development database.
O121-BP-023600 - Only authorized system accounts must have the SYSTEM tablespace specified as the default tablespace.
O121-BP-023700 - Application owner accounts must have a dedicated application tablespace.
O121-BP-023800 - The directories assigned to the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST* parameters must be protected from unauthorized access.
O121-BP-023900 - The Oracle _TRACE_FILES_PUBLIC parameter if present must be set to FALSE.
O121-BP-024000 - Application object owner accounts must be disabled when not performing installation or maintenance actions.
O121-BP-024100 - DBMS production application and data directories must be protected from developers on shared production/development DBMS host systems.
O121-BP-024200 - Use of the DBMS installation account must be logged.
O121-BP-024750 - Oracle database products must be a version supported by the vendor.
O121-BP-025100 - The DBMS data files, transaction logs and audit files must be stored in dedicated directories or disk partitions separate from software or other application files.
O121-BP-025101 - The directory assigned to the AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter must be protected from unauthorized access and must be stored in a dedicated directory or disk partition separate from software or other application files.
O121-BP-025500 - Replication accounts must not be granted DBA privileges.
O121-BP-025600 - Network access to the DBMS must be restricted to authorized personnel.
O121-BP-025800 - Changes to configuration options must be audited.
O121-BP-026200 - Changes to DBMS security labels must be audited.
O121-BP-026300 - Remote database or other external access must use fully-qualified names.
O121-BP-026400 - The /diag subdirectory under the directory assigned to the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter must be protected from unauthorized access.
O121-C1-011100 - Oracle software must be evaluated and patched against newly found vulnerabilities.
O121-C1-015000 - DBMS default accounts must be assigned custom passwords.
O121-C2-000100 - The DBMS must limit the number of concurrent sessions for each system account to an organization-defined number of sessions.
O121-C2-001800 - The system must employ automated mechanisms for supporting Oracle user account management.
O121-C2-001900 - The DBMS must provide a mechanism to automatically identify accounts designated as temporary or emergency accounts.
O121-C2-002000 - The DBMS must provide a mechanism to automatically remove or disable temporary user accounts after 72 hours.
O121-C2-002700 - The DBMS must enforce approved authorizations for logical access to the system in accordance with applicable policy.
O121-C2-003000 - The DBMS must enforce Discretionary Access Control (DAC) policy allowing users to specify and control sharing by named individuals, groups of individuals, or by both, limiting propagation of access rights and including or excluding access to the granularity of a single user.
O121-C2-003600 - A single database connection configuration file must not be used to configure all database clients.
O121-C2-003700 - The DBMS must be protected from unauthorized access by developers.
O121-C2-003800 - The DBMS must be protected from unauthorized access by developers on shared production/development host systems.
O121-C2-003900 - The DBMS must restrict access to system tables and other configuration information or metadata to DBAs or other authorized users.
O121-C2-004000 - Administrative privileges must be assigned to database accounts via database roles.