DISA STIG Oracle Linux 6 v2r6

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Audit Details

Name: DISA STIG Oracle Linux 6 v2r6

Updated: 5/11/2023

Authority: DISA STIG

Plugin: Unix

Revision: 1.7

Estimated Item Count: 380

File Details

Filename: DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_6_v2r6.audit

Size: 591 kB

MD5: cd0892057698f006d488855132e46699
SHA256: 0050fe3c7bcbb7d93ce7a76ef5cb2b036a716c73148befcff936c624d5d73419

Audit Items

DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_6_v2r6.audit from DISA Oracle Linux 6 v2r6 STIG
OL6-00-000001 - The system must use a separate file system for /tmp.
OL6-00-000002 - The system must use a separate file system for /var.
OL6-00-000003 - The system must use a separate file system for /var/log.
OL6-00-000004 - The system must use a separate file system for the system audit data path.
OL6-00-000005 - The audit system must alert designated staff members when the audit storage volume approaches capacity.
OL6-00-000007 - The system must use a separate file system for user home directories.
OL6-00-000008 - Vendor-provided cryptographic certificates must be installed to verify the integrity of system software.
OL6-00-000009 - The Red Hat Network Service (rhnsd) service must not be running, unless it is being used to query the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network for updates and information - CHKCONFIG
OL6-00-000009 - The Red Hat Network Service (rhnsd) service must not be running, unless it is being used to query the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network for updates and information - PROCESS_CHECK
OL6-00-000010 - The Oracle Linux operating system must be a vendor-supported release.
OL6-00-000011 - System security patches and updates must be installed and up-to-date.
OL6-00-000013 - The system package management tool must cryptographically verify the authenticity of system software packages during installation.
OL6-00-000015 - The system package management tool must cryptographically verify the authenticity of all software packages during installation.
OL6-00-000016 - A file integrity tool must be installed.
OL6-00-000017 - The system must use a Linux Security Module at boot time.
OL6-00-000018 - A file integrity baseline must be created.
OL6-00-000019 - There must be no .rhosts or hosts.equiv files on the system - '/etc/hosts.equiv'
OL6-00-000019 - There must be no .rhosts or hosts.equiv files on the system - '~/.rhosts'
OL6-00-000020 - The system must use a Linux Security Module configured to enforce limits on system services.
OL6-00-000021 - The Oracle Linux operating system must not contain .shosts or shosts.equiv files.
OL6-00-000023 - The system must use a Linux Security Module configured to limit the privileges of system services.
OL6-00-000025 - All device files must be monitored by the system Linux Security Module.
OL6-00-000027 - The system must prevent the root account from logging in from virtual consoles.
OL6-00-000028 - The system must prevent the root account from logging in from serial consoles.
OL6-00-000029 - Default operating system accounts, other than root, must be locked.
OL6-00-000030 - The system must not allow accounts configured with blank or null passwords - password-auth
OL6-00-000030 - The system must not allow accounts configured with blank or null passwords - system-auth
OL6-00-000031 - The /etc/passwd file must not contain password hashes.
OL6-00-000032 - The root account must be the only account having a UID of 0.
OL6-00-000033 - The /etc/shadow file must be owned by root.
OL6-00-000034 - The /etc/shadow file must be group-owned by root.
OL6-00-000035 - The /etc/shadow file must have mode 0000.
OL6-00-000036 - The /etc/gshadow file must be owned by root.
OL6-00-000037 - The /etc/gshadow file must be group-owned by root.
OL6-00-000038 - The /etc/gshadow file must have mode 0000.
OL6-00-000039 - The /etc/passwd file must be owned by root.
OL6-00-000040 - The /etc/passwd file must be group-owned by root.
OL6-00-000041 - The /etc/passwd file must have mode 0644 or less permissive.
OL6-00-000042 - The /etc/group file must be owned by root.
OL6-00-000043 - The /etc/group file must be group-owned by root.
OL6-00-000044 - The /etc/group file must have mode 0644 or less permissive.
OL6-00-000045 - Library files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/lib'
OL6-00-000045 - Library files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/lib64'
OL6-00-000045 - Library files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/usr/lib'
OL6-00-000045 - Library files must have mode 0755 or less permissive - '/usr/lib64'
OL6-00-000046 - Library files must be owned by a system account - '/lib'
OL6-00-000046 - Library files must be owned by a system account - '/lib64'
OL6-00-000046 - Library files must be owned by a system account - '/usr/lib'
OL6-00-000046 - Library files must be owned by a system account - '/usr/lib64'