

This entry starts the dpid2 daemon on system startup. The dpid2 daemon acts as a protocol converter, which enables DPI (SNMP v2) sub-agents, such as hostmibd, to talk to a SNMP v1 agent that follows SNMP MUX protocol.


The dpid2 daemon acts as a protocol converter, which enables DPI sub-agents, such as hostmibd, to talk to a SNMP v1 agent that follows SNMP MUX protocol. Unless the server hosts an SNMP agent, it is recommended that dpid2 is disabled.


On AIX 7.1 and earlier comment out the dpid2 entry in /etc/rc.tcpip and ensure service is stopped:

chrctcp -d dpid2
stopsrc -s dpid2

On AIX 7.2 and later remove the software:

installp -u bos.net.tcp.snmpd

Default Value:

Commented out

See Also
