7.1 Use FLRT regularly


FLRT (Fix Level Recommendation Tool) provides upgrade recommendations for software and firmware, providing custom reports for each system.


The Fix Level Recommendation Tool (FLRT) provides cross-product compatibility information and fix recommendations for IBM products. Use FLRT to plan upgrades of key components or to verify the current health of a system.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Default Value:

Not installed

Additional Information:

To take advantage of the FLRT scripting capabilities, use an HTTP retrieval program, such as wget, to query FLRT for the recommended software levels for your machine.

Make sure your machine has network access to http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/set2/flrt/query.

Write a script to query FLRT by reading the FLRT scripting documentation listed below. Or, start with one of the sample ksh scripts provided on this page.

The scripts provided are sample scripts only. You must create your own script based on your environment. If you want to use one of the script samples as a starting point, please modify it to suit the needs of your machine. Comment out sections for software that is not running on your machine. Place your script in a directory where execution will have write authority so that it can create temporary files for processing.

See Also
