Ensure SELinux is not disabled in bootloader configuration

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Configure SELINUX to be enabled at boot time and verify that it has not been overwritten by the grub boot parameters.


SELinux must be enabled at boot time in your grub configuration to ensure that the controls it provides are not overridden.


Files created while SELinux is disabled are not labeled at all. This behavior causes problems when changing to enforcing mode because files are labeled incorrectly or are not labeled at all. To prevent incorrectly labeled and unlabeled files from causing problems, file systems are automatically relabeled when changing from the disabled state to permissive or enforcing mode. This can be a long running process that should be accounted for as it may extend downtime during initial re-boot.


Run the following command to remove all instances of selinux=0 and enforcing=0 from all CMDLINE_LINUX parameters:

grubby --update-kernel ALL --remove-args 'selinux=0 enforcing=0'

Additional Information:

This recommendation is designed around the grub 2 bootloader, if LILO or another bootloader is in use in your environment enact equivalent settings.

See Also
