3.7 Ensure the Core Dump Directory Is Secured

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The 'CoreDumpDirectory' directive is used to specify the directory Apache attempts to switch to before creating the core dump. Core dumps will be disabled if the directory is not writable by the Apache user. Also, core dumps will be disabled if the server is started as 'root' and switches to a non-root user, as is typical. It is recommended that the 'CoreDumpDirectory' directive be set to a directory that is owned by the 'root' user, owned by the group the Apache HTTPD process executes as, and be unaccessible to other users.


Core dumps are snapshots of memory and may contain sensitive information that should not be accessible by other accounts on the system.


Either remove the 'CoreDumpDirectory' directive from the Apache configuration files or ensure that the configured directory meets the following requirements.

1. 'CoreDumpDirectory' is not to be within the Apache web document root ('$APACHE_PREFIX/htdocs')
2. Must be owned by root and have a group ownership of the Apache group (as defined via the Group directive)

# chown root:apache /var/log/httpd

3. Must have no read-write-search access permission for other users.

# chmod o-rwx /var/log/httpd

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-6(10), 800-53|CM-6, CSCv6|18.9, CSCv7|14.6

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: a27fd29cbe1d536559badee839ec5f80dbe26c8394280e1a426af1d4761fe75f