The directory attribute tells Tomcat where to store logs. It is recommended that the location pointed to by the directory attribute is secured.
1. Add the following statement into the $CATALINA_BASEwebapps<app-name>META-INFcontext.xml file if it does not already exist.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="$CATALINA_HOME/logs/" prefix="access_log" fileDateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd.HH" suffix=".log" pattern="%t %H cookie:%{SESSIONID}c request:%{SESSIONID}r %m %U %s %q %r" />
2. Set the location pointed to by the directory attribute to be owned by tomcat_admin:tomcat with permissions of o-rwx.
# chown tomcat_admin:tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/logs
# chmod o-rwx $CATALINA_HOME/logs