4.1 Disable Bonjour advertising service


Bonjour is an auto-discovery mechanism for TCP/IP devices which enumerate devices and services within a local subnet. DNS on Mac OS X is integrated with Bonjour and should not be turned off, but the Bonjour advertising service can be disabled. Bonjour can simplify device discovery from an internal rogue or compromised host. An attacker could use Bonjour's multicast DNS feature to discover a vulnerable or poorly-configured service or additional information to aid a targeted attack. Implementing this control disables the continuous broadcasting of "I'm here!" messages. Typical end-user endpoints should not have to advertise services to other computers. This setting does not stop the computer from sending out service discovery messages when looking for services on an internal subnet, if the computer is looking for a printer or server and using service discovery. To block all Bonjour traffic except to approved devices the pf or other firewall would be needed.


Perform the following to implement the prescribed state: Make a backup copy of the mDNSResponder.plist file as a precaution. Open the mDNSResponder.plist file in Terminal using your preferred text editor. Below is a sample command: sudo nano "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist" Add <string>-NoMulticastAdvertisements</string> to the array in the ProgramArguments section. For example, the following: <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder</string> <string>-launchd</string> </array> becomes: <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder</string> <string>-launchd</string> <string>-NoMulticastAdvertisements</string> </array> Save the file. Impact: Some applications, like Final Cut Studio and AirPort Base Station management, may not operate properly if the mDNSResponder is turned off.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|SC-7(12)

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 791f1440188b3a58b3538033b441a0c9a21ff6da7a8638629344474f1daa3744