2.1.1 Turn off Bluetooth, if no paired devices exist

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Bluetooth devices use a wireless communications system that replaces the cables used by other peripherals to connect to a system. It is by design a peer-to-peer network technology and typically lacks centralized administration and security enforcement infrastructure.


Bluetooth is particularly susceptible to a diverse set of security vulnerabilities involving identity detection, location tracking, denial of service, unintended control and access of data and voice channels, and unauthorized device control and data access.


Perform the following to implement the prescribed state:

1. In Terminal, run the following commands:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth ControllerPowerState -int 0

sudo killall -HUP blued

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: f45b126a4cf1faede90f80b33d064311b3d6e85479c064cd5d4d1db06eb7fb76