1.3 Enable Download new updates when available

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This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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In the GUI both 'Install macOS updates' and 'Install app updates from the App Store' are dependent on whether 'Download new updates when available' is selected.


It is important that a system has the newest updates downloaded so that they can be applied.


If 'Download new updates when available' is not selected, updates may not made in a timely manner and the system will be exposed to additional risk.


Perform the following to enable the system to automatically check for updates:
Graphical Method:

Open System Preferences

Select Software Update

Select Advanced

Select Download new updates when available

Terminal Method:
Run the following command to enable auto update:

$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticDownload -bool true

See Also
