A locking screen saver is one of the standard security controls to limit access to a computer and the current user's session when the computer is temporarily unused or unattended. In macOS, the screen saver starts after a value is selected in the drop-down menu. 20 minutes or less is an acceptable value. Any value can be selected through the command line or script, but a number that is not reflected in the GUI can be problematic. 20 minutes is the default for new accounts.
Setting an inactivity interval for the screen saver prevents unauthorized persons from viewing a system left unattended for an extensive period of time.
If the screen saver is not set, users may leave the computer available for an unauthorized person to access information.
Graphical Method:
Perform the following steps to set the screen saver to activate in 20 minutes or less:
Open System Preferences
Select Desktop & Screen Saver
Select Screen Saver
Select on option for Start after that is 20 minutes or less (<=1200)
Terminal Method:
Run the following command to set individual users to an idle time of the screen saver is set to 20 minutes or less (<=1200):
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u <username> /usr/bin/defaults -currentHost write idleTime -int <value <=1200>
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u seconduser /usr/bin/defaults -currentHost write idleTime -int 600
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u seconduser /usr/bin/defaults -currentHost read idleTime
Note: Issues arise if the command line is used to make the setting something other than what is available in the GUI Menu. Choose either 1 (60), 2 (120), 5 (300), 10 (600), or 20 (1200) minutes to avoid any issues.
Profile Method:
The PayloadType string is
The key to include is idleTime
The key must be set to <integer><<=1200></integer>
Note: Since the profile method sets a system-wide setting and not a user-level one, the profile method is the preferred method. It is always better to set system-wide than per user.