1.2 Ensure Auto Update Is Enabled


Auto Update verifies that your system has the newest security patches and software updates. If 'Automatically check for updates' is not selected, background updates for new malware definition files from Apple for XProtect and Gatekeeper will not occur.




It is important that a system has the newest updates applied so as to prevent unauthorized persons from exploiting identified vulnerabilities.


Without automatic update, updates may not be made in a timely manner and the system will be exposed to additional risk.


Graphical Method:
Perform the following steps to enable the system to automatically check for updates:

Open System Preferences

Select Software Update

Select Advanced

Set Check for updates to enabled

Terminal Method:
Run the following command to enable auto update:

$ /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticCheckEnabled -bool true

Profile Method:
Create or edit a configuration profile with the following information:

The PayloadType string is com.apple.SoftwareUpdate

The key to include is AutomaticCheckEnabled

The key must be set to <true/>

See Also
