Warning! Audit Deprecated
Public (Routable) IP addresses can be used to track people to their current location, including home and business addresses. While a valid IP addess is necessary to load the site the valid address does not need to be provided to known trackers and should be hidden.
Trackers can correlate your visits through various applications including websites and is a threat to your privacy.
Website address blocking through iCloud Private Relay made prevent some wanted pages to load that use IP geolocation access controls.
NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.
Graphical Method:
Perform the following steps to set Safari whether or not to hide IP addresses from trackers:
Open Safari
Select Safari from the menu bar
Select Settings
Select Privacy
Set Hide IP address from trackers to your organization's requirements
Terminal Method:
Run the following command to enable or disable hiding IP addresses from trackers in Safari:
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u <username> /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/<username>/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari WBSPrivacyProxyAvailabilityTraffic -int <130272/130276>
130272 will set hide IP address from trackers to disabled. 130276 will enable it.
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u firstuser /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/firstuser/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari WBSPrivacyProxyAvailabilityTraffic -int 130276
$ /usr/bin/sudo -u seconduser /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/seconduser/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari WBSPrivacyProxyAvailabilityTraffic -int 130272
Note: To run the Terminal commands, Terminal must be granted Full Disk Access in the Security & Privacy pane in System Preferences.