5.1.6 Ensure No World Writable Folders Exist in the System Folder


Software sometimes insists on being installed in the /System/Volumes/Data/System Directory and has inappropriate world-writable permissions.

Macs with writable files in System should be investigated forensically. A file with open writable permissions is a sign of at best a rogue application. It could also be a sign of a computer compromise and a persistent presence on the system.


Folders in /System/Volumes/Data/System should not be world-writable. The audit check excludes the 'Drop Box' folder that is part of Apple's default user template.


Changing file permissions could disrupt the use of applications that rely on files in the System Folder with vulnerable permissions.


Terminal Method:
Run the following command to set permissions so that folders are not world-writable in the /System folder:

$ /usr/bin/sudo IFS=$'
for sysPermissions in $( /usr/bin/find /System/Volumes/Data/System -type d -perm -2 | /usr/bin/grep -v 'downloadDir ); do
/bin/chmod -R o-w '$sysPermissions'

See Also
