2.10.4 Ensure Login Window Displays as Name and Password Is Enabled


The login window prompts a user for his/her credentials, verifies their authorization level, and then allows or denies the user access to the system.


Prompting the user to enter both their username and password makes it twice as hard for unauthorized users to gain access to the system since they must discover two attributes.


Graphical Method:
Perform the following steps to ensure the login window display name and password:

Open System Settings

Select Lock Screen

Set 'Login window showstoName and Password'

Terminal Method:
Run the following command to enable the login window to display name and password:

$ /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow SHOWFULLNAME -bool true

Note: The GUI will not display the updated setting until the current user(s) logs out.
Profile Method:
Create or edit a configuration profile with the following information:

The PayloadType string is com.apple.loginwindow

The key to include is SHOWFULLNAME

The key must be set to <true/>

See Also
