A custom profile can be created by copying and customizing one of the default profiles. The default profiles include: sssd, winbind, or the nis. This profile can then be customized to follow site specific requirements.
You can select a profile for the authselect utility for a specific host. The profile will be applied to every user logging into the host.
A custom profile is required to customize many of the pam options.
When you deploy a profile, the profile is applied to every user logging into the given host
Run the following command to create a custom authselect profile:
# authselect create-profile <custom-profile name> <options>
# authselect create-profile custom-profile -b sssd --symlink-meta
Run the following command to select a custom authselect profile:
# authselect select custom/<CUSTOM PROFILE NAME> {with-<OPTIONS>}
# authselect select custom/custom-profile with-sudo with-faillock without-nullok