5.5.2 Ensure lockout for failed password attempts is configured


Lock out users after


unsuccessful consecutive login attempts.

- deny=<n> - Number of attempts before the account is locked
- unlock_time=<n> - Time in seconds before the account is unlocked

Note: The maximum configurable value for unlock_time is 604800

Locking out user IDs after


unsuccessful consecutive login attempts mitigates brute force password attacks against your systems.


Set password lockouts and unlock times to conform to site policy. deny should be not greater than 5 and unlock_time should be 0 (never), or 900 seconds or greater.

Depending on the version you are running, follow one of the two methods bellow.

Versions 8.2 and later:

Edit /etc/security/faillock.conf and update or add the following lines:

deny = 5
unlock_time = 900

Versions 8.0 and 8.1:

Run the following script to update the system-auth and password-auth files. This script will update/add the deny=5 and unlock_time=900 options.

This script should be modified as needed to follow local site policy.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

for fn in system-auth password-auth; do
file="/etc/authselect/$(head -1 /etc/authselect/authselect.conf | grep 'custom/')/$fn"
if grep -Pq -- '^h*authh+requiredh+pam_faillock.so(h+[^#
r]+)?h+deny=(0|[6-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)b.*$' "$file"; then
sed -ri '/pam_faillock.so/s/deny=S+/deny=5/g' "$file"
elif ! grep -Pq -- '^h*authh+requiredh+pam_faillock.so(h+[^#
r]+)?h+deny=d*b.*$' "$file"; then
sed -r 's/^s*(auths+requireds+pam_faillock.sos+)([^{}#
r]+)?s*({.*})?(.*)$/123 deny=5 4/' $file
if grep -P -- '^h*(authh+requiredh+pam_faillock.soh+)([^#
r]+)?h+unlock_time=([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-8][0-9][0-9])b.*$' "$file"; then
sed -ri '/pam_faillock.so/s/unlock_time=S+/unlock_time=900/g' "$file"
elif ! grep -Pq -- '^h*authh+requiredh+pam_faillock.so(h+[^#
r]+)?h+unlock_time=d*b.*$' "$file"; then
sed -ri 's/^s*(auths+requireds+pam_faillock.sos+)([^{}#
r]+)?s*({.*})?(.*)$/123 unlock_time=900 4/' "$file"
authselect apply-changes

See Also
