Username secret password type 5 and enable secret password type 5 must be migrated to the stronger password type 8 or 9. IF a device is upgraded from IOS XE 16.9 or later the type 5 is auto converted to type 9. The username secret command provides an additional layer of security over the username password. Rationale: Default device configuration does not require strong user authentication potentially enabling unfettered access to an attacker that is able to reach the device. Creating a local account with an encrypted password enforces login authentication and provides a fallback authentication mechanism for configuration in a named method list in a situation where centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting services are unavailable. The following is the type of encryption the device will allow as of 15.3: Type 0 this mean the password will not be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files command: enable password cisco123 Type 4 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using SHA-256 which apps like Cain can crack but will take long time command : enable secret 4 Rv4kArhts7yA2xd8BD2YTVbts (notice above is not the password string it self but the hash of the password) this type is deprecated starting from IOS 15.3(3) Type 5 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using MD5 which apps like Cain can crack but will take long time command: enable secret 5 00271A5307542A02D22842 (notice above is not the password string it self but the hash of the password) or enable secret cisco123 (notice above is the password string it self) Type 7 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using Vigenere cipher which any website with type7 reverser can crack it in less than one second command : ena password cisco123 service password-encryption Type 8 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using PBKDF2-SHA-256 starting from IOS 15.3(3). Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) with Secure Hash Algorithm, 26-bits (SHA-256) as the hashing algorithm Example : R1(config)#enable algorithm-type sha256 secret cisco R1(config)#do sh run | i enable enable secret 8 $8$mTj4RZG8N9ZDOk$elY/asfm8kD3iDmkBe3hD2r4xcA/0oWS5V3os.O91u. Example : R1(config)# username yasser algorithm-type sha256 secret cisco R1# show running-config | inc username username yasser secret 8 $8$dsYGNam3K1SIJO$7nv/35M/qr6t.dVc7UY9zrJDWRVqncHub1PE9UlMQFs Type 9 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using scrypt as the hashing algorithm. starting from IOS 15.3(3) Example : R1(config)#ena algorithm-type scrypt secret cisco R1(config)#do sh run | i enable enable secret 9 $9$WnArItcQHW/uuE$x5WTLbu7PbzGDuv0fSwGKS/KURsy5a3WCQckmJp0MbE Example : R1(config)# username demo9 algorithm-type scrypt secret cisco R1# show running-config | inc username username demo9 secret 9 $9$nhEmQVczB7dqsO$X.HsgL6x1il0RxkOSSvyQYwucySCt7qFm4v7pqCxkKM Important Notes: 1-If you configure type 8 or type 9 passwords and then downgrade to a release that does not support type 8 and type 9 passwords, you must configure the type 5 passwords before downgrading. If not, you are locked out of the device and a password recovery is required. 2-Starting from IOS 15.3(3)The 4 keyword was deprecated and support for type 8 and type 9 algorithms were added and The warning message for removal of support for the type 4 algorithm was added Impact: Organizations implementing 'username secret' across their enterprise reduce the risk of unauthorized users gaining access to Cisco IOS devices by applying a MD5 hash and encrypting user passwords.
Create a local user with an encrypted, complex (not easily guessed) password. hostname(config)#username {{em}LOCAL_USERNAME{/em}} secret {{em}LOCAL_PASSWORD{/em}} Default Value: No passwords are set by default