The module performs password quality checking. This module can be plugged into the password stack of a given service to provide strength-checking for passwords. The code was originally based on pam_cracklib module and the module is backwards compatible with its options.
The action of this module is to prompt the user for a password and check its strength against a system dictionary and a set of rules for identifying poor choices.
The first action is to prompt for a single password, check its strength and then, if it is considered strong, prompt for the password a second time (to verify that it was typed correctly on the first occasion). All being well, the password is passed on to subsequent modules to be installed as the new authentication token.
Use of a unique, complex passwords helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password.
Run the following script to verify the line exists in a pam-auth-update profile:
# grep -P -- 'bpam_pwquality.sob' /usr/share/pam-configs/*
Output should be similar to:
/usr/share/pam-configs/pwquality: requisite retry=3
/usr/share/pam-configs/pwquality: requisite retry=3
- IF - similar output is returned:
Run the following command to update /etc/pam.d/common-password with the returned profile:
# pam-auth-update --enable {PROFILE_NAME}
# pam-auth-update pwquality
- IF - similar output is NOT returned:
Run the following script to create a pam-auth-update profile for pwquality :
!#/usr/bin/env bash
arr=('Name: Pwquality password strength checking' 'Default: yes' 'Priority: 1024' 'Conflicts: cracklib' 'Password-Type: Primary' 'Password:' ' requisite retry=3' 'Password-Initial:' 'requisite')
printf '%s
' "${arr[@]}" > /usr/share/pam-configs/pwquality
Run the following command to update /etc/pam.d/common-password with the pwquality profile:
# pam-auth-update --enable pwquality
- The name used for the file must be used in the pam-auth-update --enable command
- The Name: line should be easily recognizable and understood
- The Priority: Line is important as it effects the order of the lines in the /etc/pam.d/ files
- If a site specific custom profile is being used in your environment to configure PAM that includes the configuration for the pam_pwquality module, enable that module instead