3.7 Verify that Docker environment file ownership is set to root:root


Docker daemon leverages Docker environment file for setting Docker daemon run time
environment. If you are using Docker on a machine that uses systemd to manage services,
then the file is /etc/sysconfig/docker. On other systems, the environment file is
/etc/default/docker. Verify that the environment file ownership and group-ownership is
correctly set to 'root'.

Docker environment file contains sensitive parameters that may alter the behavior of
Docker daemon during run time. Hence, it should be owned and group-owned by 'root' to
maintain the integrity of the file.


#> chown root-root <Environment file name>For example,#> chown root-root /etc/sysconfig/docker
This would set the ownership and group-ownership for the environment file to 'root'.


Default Value-By default, the ownership and group-ownership for this file is correctly set to 'root'.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6b., CSCv6|3.1

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: f8d6d7a9be00baa644ff94ae129f58257c2e276584e8ca8d489a7da421b81910