4.2 Use trusted base images for containers


Ensure that the container image is written either from scratch or is based on another
established and trusted base image downloaded over a secure channel.

Official repositories are Docker images curated and optimized by the Docker community or
the vendor. But, the Docker container image signing and verification feature is not yet
ready. Hence, the Docker engine does not verify the provenance of the container images by
itself. You should thus exercise a great deal of caution when obtaining container images.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Only download the container images from a source you trust over a secure channel.
Additionally, use features such as pull-by-digest to get specific images from the registry.


Default Value-Not Applicable.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7(5)

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 3c54aa56684fd6208c83c0ca3a8eb9b7d502394be6a9705284eb9ef69a9dff1c