Iptables are used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules in the
Linux kernel. Allow the Docker daemon to make changes to the iptables.
Docker will never make changes to your system iptables rules if you choose to do so.
Docker server would automatically make the needed changes to iptables based on how you
choose your networking options for the containers if it is allowed to do so. It is
recommended to let Docker server make changes to iptables automatically to avoid
networking misconfiguration that might hamper the communication between containers
and to the outside world. Additionally, it would save you hassles of updating iptables
every time you choose to run the containers or modify networking options.
Do not run the Docker daemon with '--iptables=false' parameter.
For example, do not start the Docker daemon as below-
$> docker -d --iptables=false
Default Value-By default, 'iptables' is set to 'true'.