5.13 Ensure incoming container traffic is binded to a specific host interface


By default, Docker containers can make connections to the outside world, but the outside world cannot connect to containers. Each outgoing connection will appear to originate from one of the host machine's own IP addresses. Only allow container services to be contacted through a specific external interface on the host machine.
If you have multiple network interfaces on your host machine, the container can accept connections on the exposed ports on any network interface. This might not be desired and may not be secured. Many a times a particular interface is exposed externally and services such as intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, firewall, load balancing, etc. are run on those interfaces to screen incoming public traffic. Hence, you should not accept incoming connections on any interface. You should only allow incoming connections from a particular external interface.


Bind the container port to a specific host interface on the desired host port.
For example,
docker run --detach --publish nginx
In the example above, the container port 80 is bound to the host port on 49153 and would accept incoming connection only from external interface.
Default Value:
By default, Docker exposes the container ports on, the wildcard IP address that will match any possible incoming network interface on the host machine.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7b., CSCv6|9

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 3ea09f256212df2b42d555dd5460e71f56e8300e6e48d5d849ea34537ba2d131