1.15 Ensure 'Automatic date & time' and 'Automatic time zone' are set to Enabled

Warning! Audit Deprecated

This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Enable Automatic date & time. For this setting to work correctly, Automatic time zone
setting should also be enabled.


Automatic date & time setting fetches the date and time information from the cellular
provider and is generally more accurate and reliable than your own managed and set date
and time. Accurate date and time could help in forensics, device recovery through Android
Device Manager and maintain application and logs in a time-sync manner.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Follow the below steps to enable Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone

1. Tap Settings Gear Icon.
2. Tap System.
3. Tap Date & time.
4. Toggle Automatic date & time setting to On position.
5. Toggle Automatic time zone setting to On position.



Default Value:

By default, Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone settings are disabled.

See Also
