5.10.2 Ensure that Alpha clusters are not used for production workloads


Alpha clusters are not covered by an SLA and are not production-ready.


Alpha clusters are designed for early adopters to experiment with workloads that take advantage of new features before those features are production-ready. They have all Kubernetes API features enabled, but are not covered by the GKE SLA, do not receive security updates, have node auto-upgrade and node auto-repair disabled, and cannot be upgraded. They are also automatically deleted after 30 days.


Users and workloads will not be able to take advantage of features included within Alpha clusters.


Alpha features cannot be disabled. To remediate, a new cluster must be created.
Using Google Cloud Console

Go to Kubernetes Engine by visiting https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/

Click CREATE CLUSTER, and choose CONFIGURE for the Standard mode cluster.

Note: Within Features in the the CLUSTER section, under the Other heading, Enable Kubernetes alpha features in this cluster will not be available by default. It will only be available if the cluster is created with a Static version for the Control plane version, along with both Automatically upgrade nodes to the next available version and Enable auto-repair being checked under the Node pool details for each node.

Configure the other settings as required and click CREATE.

Using Command Line:
Upon creating a new cluster

gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \

Do not use the --enable-kubernetes-alpha argument.

Default Value:

By default, Kubernetes Alpha features are disabled.

See Also
