5.7.2 Enable Linux auditd logging


Run the auditd logging daemon to obtain verbose operating system logs from GKE nodes running Container-Optimized OS (COS).

Auditd logs provide valuable information about the state of the cluster and workloads, such as error messages, login attempts, and binary executions. This information can be used to debug issues or to investigate security incidents.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Using Command Line:

Download the example manifests:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-node-tools/master/os-audit/cos-auditd-logging.yaml > cos-auditd-logging.yaml

Edit the example manifests if needed. Then, deploy them:

kubectl apply -f cos-auditd-logging.yaml

Verify that the logging Pods have started. If a different Namespace was defined in the manifests, replace cos-auditd with the name of the namespace being used:

kubectl get pods --namespace=cos-auditd


Increased logging activity on a node increases resource usage on that node, which may affect the performance of the workload and may incur additional resource costs. Audit logs sent to Stackdriver consume log quota from the project. The log quota may require increasing and storage to accommodate the additional logs.

Note that the provided logging daemonset only works on nodes running Container-Optimized OS (COS).

See Also
