The umask of the ftpd service should be set to at least 027 in order to prevent the FTP daemon process from creating world-accessable, group-writeable files by default.
The umask of the ftpd service should be set to at least 027 in order to prevent the FTP daemon process from creating world-accessable and group-writeable files by default. These files could then be transferred over the network which could result in compromise of the critical information.
Set the default umask of the ftp daemon:
[[ $(grep -c "^ftp[[:blank:]]" /etc/inetd.conf) -gt 0 ]] && chsubserver -c -v ftp -p tcp "ftpd -l -u 027" && refresh -s inetd || RC=0
NOTE: The umask above restricts write permissions for both group and other. All access for other is removed.