Use CallbackHandler to retrieve user password and for accessing private keys in keystore files.Using the CallbackHandler method to retrieve a user's password and access private keys in keystore files ___ (state benefit).Do not use plain text passwords in user and keystore fields for WebServices security.
Using CallbackHandler to retrieve user and keystore passwords is more secure than specifying plaintext passwords in
Liberty configuration
NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.
Ensure that the passwords are not configured in the wsSecurityClient and wsSecurityProvider elements in ${server.config.dir}/configDropins/overrides/<any file name>.xml For more information, see the References section."Implement the callbackhandler method. For more information, see the References section."
<wsSecurityClient id="default" ws-security.callback-handler="com.myCompany.myExample.myCBH" ...>
<wsSecurityProvider id="default" ws-security.callback-handler="com.myCompany.myExample.myCBH" ...>