FTP should be disabled.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) can be used for loading and exporting configuration from a Juniper device, which can run an FTP Server Service to support these functions.
FTP transfers data in plaintext and should be avoided, with the Secure Copy functions of SSH used instead.
In addition, the FTP service allows files to be read from and written to the devices file system, presenting a risk if misused.
The FTP Service should be disabled on all JUNOS devices and users should avoid using FTP in operational mode commands.
Ensure no processes or support systems rely on FTP file transfers from the JUNOS device and migrate any such transfers to a secure alternative prior to disabling FTP in a production environment.
To disable the FTP service, issue the following command from the [edit system] hierarchy;
[edit system]
user@host#delete services ftp
Default Value:
FTP is enabled on most platforms by default.