The Routing Engine should ignore Echo Requests sent to Multicast addresses.
An attacker may use multicast Echo Requests (pings) during recognizance of a network to obtain a list of network systems and what services they may be offering.
An example of this would be sending a ping to, hoping to discover routers in the network running VRRP.
In most environments it is not necessary for the Routing Engine to respond to Multicast Echo Requests to function correctly; however in some cases this will be required, such as for troubleshooting in environments with Multicast Routing support. Only disable this functionality if you are certain you do not need it.
The JUNOD Device will not respond to ICMP Echo Requests (pings) sent to Multicast Addresses used by the device.
To ignore multicast Echo Requests, issue the following command from the [edit system] hierarchy;
[edit system]
user@host#set no-multicast-echo
Default Value:
By default JUNOS Devices respond to multicast Echo Requests for multicast groups it is a member of.