Forms-based authentication can pass credentials across the network in clear text. It is therefore imperative that the traffic between client and server be encrypted using SSL, especially in cases where the site is publicly accessible. It is recommended that communications with any portion of a site using Forms Authentication be encrypted using SSL.
NOTE Due to identified security vulnerabilities, SSL no longer provides adequate protection for a sensitive information.
Requiring SSL for Forms Authentication will protect the confidentiality of credentials during the login process, helping mitigate the risk of stolen user information.
Open IIS Manager and navigate to the appropriate tier
In Features View, double-click Authentication
On the Authentication page, select Forms Authentication
In the Actions pane, click Edit
Check the Requires SSL checkbox in the cookie settings section, click OK
Enter the following command in AppCmd.exe to configure:
%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:system.web/authentication /mode:Forms
Enter the following command in PowerShell to configure:
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/Default Web Site' -filter 'system.web/authentication/forms' -name 'requireSSL' -value 'True'
Default Value:
SSL is not required when Forms Authentication is enabled.