2.2.4 Ensure 'Add workstations to domain' is set to 'Administrators'


This policy setting specifies which users can add computer workstations to a specific domain.

For this policy setting to take effect, it must be assigned to the user as part of the Default Domain Controller Policy for the domain.

A user who has been assigned this right can add up to 10 workstations to the domain.

Users who have been assigned the Create Computer Objects permission for an OU or the Computers container in Active Directory can add an unlimited number of computers to the domain, regardless of whether they have been assigned the Add workstations to a domain user right.

By default, all users in the Authenticated Users group have the ability to add up to 10 computer accounts to an Active Directory domain.

These new computer accounts are created in the Computers container.

In Windows-based networks, the term security principal is defined as a user, group, or computer that is automatically assigned a security identifier to control access to resources.

In an Active Directory domain, each computer account is a full security principal with the ability to authenticate and access domain resources.

However, some organizations may want to limit the number of computers in an Active Directory environment so that they can consistently track, build, and manage the computers.

If users are allowed to add computers to the domain, tracking and management efforts would be hampered.

Also, users could perform activities that are more difficult to trace because of their ability to create additional unauthorized domain computers.

The recommended state for this setting is: 'Administrators'.


To establish the recommended configuration via GP, set the following UI path to 'Administrators':

Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Add workstations to domain

See Also
