18.2.1 Ensure LAPS AdmPwd GPO Extension / CSE is installed


In May 2015, Microsoft released the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) tool, which is free and supported software that allows an organization to automatically set randomized and unique local Administrator account passwords on domain-attached workstations and member servers. The passwords are stored in a confidential attribute of the domain computer account and can be retrieved from Active Directory by approved Sysadmins when needed.


In order to utilize LAPS, a minor Active Directory Schema update is required, and a Group Policy Client Side Extension (CSE) must be installed on each managed computer. When LAPS is installed, the file AdmPwd.dll must be present in the following location and registered in Windows (the LAPS AdmPwd GPO Extension / CSE installation does this for you): C:\Program Files\LAPS\CSE\AdmPwd.dll

See Also
