3.8 Ensure that Microsoft Teams is using OneDrive for Business and SharePoint for meeting recordings

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Meetings in Microsoft Teams may be recording to Microsoft Steam in which access is controlled outside of Sharepoint/OneDrive policies. Starting July 2021 Microsoft will slowly switch tenants to utilize OneDrive/Sharepoint however, it is recommended to ensure this is complete.


Ensuring that meetings are recorded to OneDrive/Sharepoint will ensure that polices setup for these storage options will be in effect so that there is no accidental public sharing of videos.


No impact to the end user.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


To verify meeting recordings are utilizing OneDrive for Business and SharePoint:

Connect to Microsoft Teams using Connect-MicrosoftTeams

Run the following PowerShell command:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -RecordingStorageMode 'OneDriveForBusiness'

Verify the command was successful.

NOTE: You will need the Microsoft Teams Module imported for this operation.

Default Value:

On a rolling basis this is the default starting July 2021.

See Also
