4.6 Ensure the Client Rules Forwarding Block is enabled

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You should enable the Client Rules Forwarding Block, which prevents the use of any client-side rules that forward email to an external domain.


The use of client-side forwarding rules to exfiltrate data to external recipients is an increasingly used vector for data exfiltration by bad actors.


Care should be taken before implementation to ensure there is no business need for case-by-case auto-forwarding. Disabling auto-forwarding to remote domains will affect all users and in an organization.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


To create the Client Rules Forwarding Block, use the Exchange Online PowerShell Module:

Connect to Exchange Online using Connect-ExchangeOnline.

Run the following Exchange Online PowerShell commands to create a rule:

$rejectMessageText = 'To improve security, auto-forwarding rules to external addresses have been disabled. Please contact your Microsoft Partner if you'd like to set up an exception.'

New-TransportRule -name 'Client Rules To External Block' -Priority 0 -SentToScope NotInOrganization -FromScope InOrganization -MessageTypeMatches AutoForward -RejectMessageEnhancedStatusCode 5.7.1 -RejectMessageReasonText $rejectMessageText

Verify that Client Rules To External Block gets created.

See Also
