5.6 Ensure user role group changes are reviewed at least weekly


Role-Based Access Control allows for permissions to be assigned to users based on their roles within an organization. It is more manageable form of access control that is less prone to errors. These user roles can be audited inside of Microsoft Purview to provide a security auditor insight into user privilege change.


Weekly reviews provide an opportunity to identify rights changes in an organization and is a large part of maintaining Least Privilege and preventing Privilege creep. Insider Threats, either intentional or unintentional can occur when a user has higher than needed privileges. Maintaining accountability of role membership will keep Insiders and malicious actors limited in the scope of potential damaging activities.


By performing regular reviews the Administrators assigning rights to users will need to inevitably provide justification for those changes to security auditors. Documentation that includes detailed policies, procedures, and change requests will need to be considered in order to keep a secure organization functioning within it's planned operational level.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


To review user role group changes, perform the following steps using the Microsoft 365 Admin Center:

Beneath Admin centers Click on Compliance to be redirected to Microsoft Purview.

Click on Audit then select Search.

In Activities find Added member to Role under the Role administration activities section.

Set Start Date and End Date.

Click Search.


To review user role group changes, perform the following steps using Exchange Online PowerShell Module:

Connect to Exchange Online using Connect-ExchangeOnline

Run the following Exchange Online PowerShell command:

$startDate = ((Get-date).AddDays(-7)).ToShortDateString()
$endDate = (Get-date).ToShortDateString()

Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate | Where-Object { $_.Operations -eq 'Add member to role.' }

Review the output

See Also
