9.1.2 Ensure external user invitations are restricted


The Invite external users setting helps organizations choose whether new external users can be invited to the organization through Power BI sharing, permissions, and subscription experiences. This setting only controls the ability to invite through Power BI.

The recommended state is Enabled for a subset of the organization or Disabled.

Note: To invite external users to the organization, the user must also have the Azure Active Directory Guest Inviter role.


Establishing and enforcing a dedicated security group prevents unauthorized access to Microsoft Fabric for guests collaborating in Azure that are new or assigned guest status from other applications. This upholds the principle of least privilege and uses role-based access control (RBAC). These security groups can also be used for tasks like conditional access, enhancing risk management and user accountability across the organization.


Guest user invitations will be limited to only specific employees.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Restrict external user invitations:

Navigate to Microsoft Fabric https://app.powerbi.com/admin-portal

Select Tenant settings.

Scroll to Export and Sharing settings.

Set Invite external users to your organization to one of these states:

State 1: Disabled

State 2: Enabled with Specific security groups selected and defined.

Important: If the organization doesn't actively use this feature it is recommended to keep it Disabled.

Default Value:

Enabled for the entire organization

See Also
