4.3.5 Ensure server parameter 'connection_throttling' is set to 'ON' for PostgreSQL Database Server

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Enable connection_throttling on PostgreSQL Servers.


Enabling connection_throttling helps the PostgreSQL Database to Set the verbosity of logged messages. This in turn generates query and error logs with respect to concurrent connections that could lead to a successful Denial of Service (DoS) attack by exhausting connection resources. A system can also fail or be degraded by an overload of legitimate users. Query and error logs can be used to identify, troubleshoot, and repair configuration errors and sub-optimal performance.


From Azure Portal

Login to Azure Portal using https://portal.azure.com

Go to Azure Database for PostgreSQL server

For each database, click on Server parameters

Search for connection_throttling.

Click ON and save.

From Azure CLI
Use the below command to update connection_throttling configuration.

az postgres server configuration set --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --server-name <serverName> --name connection_throttling --value on

Default Value:

By default, connection_throttle.enable is set to Off

See Also
