This policy setting determines if DNS is used to route outbound mail via the send connector.
In order to enable mutual Transport Layer Security (TLS) authentication for the domains serviced by this send connector, multiple parameters must be configured. Configuring these parameters enables the use of TLS instead of basic authentication where credentials are sent across the network in plaintext.
The following parameters are addressed in separate recommendations in this benchmark.
DomainSecureEnabled to $true
IgnoreStartTLS to $false
The organization's servers will only be able to send e-mail to remote servers that are located through DNS routing. This is the default value.
Warning: If a SmartHosts parameter is specified, the DNSRoutingEnabled parameter must be set to $false.
To implement the recommended state, execute the following PowerShell cmdlet:
Set-SendConnector 'Connection to' -DNSRoutingEnabled $true
Default Value: