(L1) Ensure 'Domain controller: Refuse machine account password changes' is set to 'Disabled' (DC only)

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This security setting determines whether Domain Controllers will refuse requests from member computers to change computer account passwords.

The recommended state for this setting is: Disabled

Note: Some problems can occur as a result of machine account password expiration, particularly if a machine is reverted to a previous point-in-time state, as is common with virtual machines. Depending on how far back the reversion is, the older machine account password stored on the machine may no longer be recognized by the domain controllers, and therefore the computer loses its domain trust. This can also disrupt non-persistent VDI implementations, and devices with write filters that disallow permanent changes to the OS volume. Some organizations may choose to exempt themselves from this recommendation and disable machine account password expiration for these situations.

If you enable this policy setting on all Domain Controllers in a domain, domain members will not be able to change their computer account passwords, and those passwords will be more susceptible to attack.


To establish the recommended configuration via GP, set the following UI path to Disabled :

Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Domain controller: Refuse machine account password changes


None - this is the default behavior.

See Also
