Ensure 'Domain controller: LDAP server signing requirements' is set to 'Require signing' (DC only)


This policy setting determines whether the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server requires LDAP clients to negotiate data signing.

The recommended state for this setting is: Require signing

Note: Domain member computers must have

Network security: LDAP signing requirements

(Rule set to Negotiate signing or higher. If not, they will fail to authenticate once the above Require signing value is configured on the Domain Controllers. Fortunately, Negotiate signing is the default in the client configuration.

Note #2: This policy setting does not have any impact on LDAP simple bind ( ldap_simple_bind ) or LDAP simple bind through SSL ( ldap_simple_bind_s ). No Microsoft LDAP clients that are shipped with Windows XP Professional use LDAP simple bind or LDAP simple bind through SSL to talk to a Domain Controller.

Note #3: Before enabling this setting, you should first ensure that there are no clients (including server-based applications) that are configured to authenticate with Active Directory via unsigned LDAP, because changing this setting will break those applications. Such applications should first be reconfigured to use signed LDAP, Secure LDAP (LDAPS), or IPsec-protected connections. For more information on how to identify whether your DCs are being accessed via unsigned LDAP (and where those accesses are coming from), see this Microsoft TechNet blog article:

Identifying Clear Text LDAP binds to your DC's - Practical Windows Security

Unsigned network traffic is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. In such attacks, an intruder captures packets between the server and the client, modifies them, and then forwards them to the client. Where LDAP servers are concerned, an attacker could cause a client to make decisions that are based on false records from the LDAP directory. To lower the risk of such an intrusion in an organization's network, you can implement strong physical security measures to protect the network infrastructure. Also, you could implement Internet Protocol security (IPsec) authentication header mode (AH), which performs mutual authentication and packet integrity for IP traffic to make all types of man-in-the-middle attacks extremely difficult.

Additionally, allowing the use of regular, unsigned LDAP permits credentials to be received over the network in clear text, which could very easily result in the interception of account passwords by other systems on the network.


To establish the recommended configuration via GP, set the following UI path to Require signing :

Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Domain controller: LDAP server signing requirements


Unless TLS/SSL is being used, the LDAP data signing option must be negotiated. Clients that do not support LDAP signing will be unable to run LDAP queries against the Domain Controllers. All Windows 2000-based computers in your organization that are managed from Windows Server 2003-based or Windows XP-based computers and that use Windows NT Challenge/Response (NTLM) authentication must have Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) installed. Alternatively, these clients must have a registry change. For information about this registry change, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 325465:

Windows 2000 domain controllers require SP3 or later when using Windows Server 2003 administration tools

. Also, some non-Microsoft operating systems do not support LDAP signing. If you enable this policy setting, client computers that use those operating systems may be unable to access domain resources.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-17(2), 800-53|IA-5, 800-53|IA-5(1), 800-53|SC-8, 800-53|SC-8(1)

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 4c2dc9f304ee400eb0036f1c9d40eefff734263ac4d46012a75be3903c28f33b