5.1 Ensure that system activity is audited


Track access and changes to database configurations and data. MongoDB Enterprise includes a system auditing facility that can record system events (e.g. user operations, connection events) on a MongoDB instance. These audit records permit forensic analysis and allow administrators to verify proper controls.

System level logs can be handy while troubleshooting an operational problem or handling a security incident.


Set the value of auditLog.destination to the appropriate value from the following options:


To enable auditing and print audit events to syslog

mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination syslog


To enable auditing and print audit events to standard output (i.e., stdout )

mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination console

Json File

To enable auditing and print audit events to a file in JSON format. Printing audit events to file in JSON format degrades server performance more than printing to a file in BSON format.

mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFormat JSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.json

Bson File

To enable auditing and print audit events to a file in BSON binary format

mongod --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file --auditFormat BSON --auditPath data/db/auditLog.bson

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AU-3, 800-53|AU-12, CSCv6|6.2, CSCv7|6.2, CSCv7|6.3

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 72dbf51b3aa4910ddd7145cb82340ab0278f410177ff2bd0dd77851c8d64fe85