Previously known as 'Read It Later', Pocket is a social bookmark service that allows users to save a variety of content to one place and access it later from any device. This content includes web pages, blogs, videos, and news sources.
When using Pocket, users agree to let Firefox collect information including their browser and device type. In addition, this information along with other information (including some personal information) related to Pocket user accounts may be provided to third parties. Firefox also asks users to provide usernames and passwords for third party sites in order to access articles and information published on them. Firefox states that cookies and other analytics tools are necessary for the Pocket website to function and cannot be switched off.
Data such as web pages, blogs, videos, and news sources will not be shared via Pocket.
To establish the recommended configuration, set extensions.pocket.enabled to false:
Type about:config in the address bar
Type extensions.pocket.enabled in the filter
Configure the setting as prescribed.
Open the mozilla.cfg file in the installation directory with a text editor
Add the following lines to mozilla.cfg:
lockPref('extensions.pocket.enabled', false)
Default Value:
True (Enabled).